Recent content by Igfig

    1. Igfig

      Optional stabilizer complexity to keep engineers happy

      So I've noticed that a lot of the engineering types on these boards are pretty unhappy with how the new power system has less potential for optimization through clever design than the old one. I don't disagree; while I love the chambers and welcome a lower barrier to entry for new players, I'm...
    2. Igfig

      What to call "Tech Points"

      I think computer processing power is the most intuitive and resonant way to think of how tech points work, for all that tech points come from a reactor instead of a CPU. People are already pretty familiar with the idea of "if my computer's doing a lot of work on this one task, it'll have less...
    3. Igfig

      How exactly do slaved weapons affect damage?

      That's not true, Dire Venom. Secondaries increase your damage per second at the same rate as primaries and tertiaries; it's just that they also change your damage per shot, which obscures the difference somewhat. For example, a single cannon deals 10 damage every second. A cannon-cannon system...
    4. Igfig

      An (untested) idea for backup shielding

      You know, on a fast and maneuverable fighter you could probably keep the force field just on the front and back of your ship, and turn tail or face whenever you came under fire. Your primary armament would have to be side-firing swarmer or seeker missiles, I suppose.
    5. Igfig

      An (untested) idea for backup shielding

      This sounds like a really neat idea. I'd love to see your results.
    6. Igfig

      I calculated the amount of Watts in one "e" in StarMade

      And in fact, I've done just that. First of all, since water has a mass of 0.03, and each block is 1m on a side, and 1 m^3 of water has a mass of 1000 kg, one unit of mass in StarMade is 1000/0.03 kg = 33,333.3 (repeating) kg. With that in mind, I created a ship with a mass of 300, or...
    7. Igfig

      I calculated the amount of Watts in one "e" in StarMade

      Planets in StarMade are much smaller than in Star Wars. I think a better way would be to figure out how much a unit of thrust is and work backwards from there.