Recent content by iamsinistar

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      StarMade dev news #2

      what about block WITHOUT that triangle? |\\/| <-- lookin alike. there is both type o blocks in Space Engineers, for example.
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      debris left from a damaged or destroyed ship

      the second best employment for tons of salvage cannons! %D
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      maybe better make warp gates? bigger ones on bases, smaller by ships in any case, warp must be needed in fuel, so it\'s possible make infrastructure based on fuel extraction and refining
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      New weapon ideas.

      need mass driver shootin\' blocks
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      big ship should turn slowly, but i think, medium sized ships turn too slow for their sizes in this game
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      Dock Stuff (Orientation, Beam, Target, Docked Ship Position)

      schema just could made docking moar realictic by modifying docking module by magnetic way. So will be possible to make modular ships and stations with airlocks, lol
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      Collision damage

      breaking ships byhalf, why not?)
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      collision damage

      and also need to add ability to break a ship on two different parts by lucky missile strike XD