Recent content by greenpanther

    1. G

      Opengl problem

      Look up your video card name and it should tell you what it can run, chances are you\'re probably running this on a netbook, or a really old computer. If so then it might be time to look for a new computer(by new I don\'t mean another netbook, those aren\'t made to run games) or video card. I...
    2. G

      Minimum System Requirement

      right now it\'s free to try it out, so you dont lose anything to download it and play it. Except maybe 10mins of your life
    3. G

      100% loading CRASH

      Yeah guys remember this is alpha, send your bug report, and hope for the best. Eventually we will get to play As for me I\'ve tried everything: updated everything, tried every setting. It even works on my brother\'s crappy laptop. The good new is that it is a common problem and therefore...