Recent content by Gordelox

    1. G

      Tactical Sensors & Red Alerts

      I had hesitated to add that second idea about planet scanning, might me neat, but definatly not the focus of this post. If people could keep it to feedback on the original idea that would help Tactical Sensors become a reality.
    2. G

      Xbox version of starmade

      As much as I would love a console version, don\'t get your hopes up because it will never happen. Ever. Mark my words. NEVER. Lol sorry for being dramatic but I\'m serious... and right... Minecraft had to be completely re-made from the bottom up for Xbox with only textures and game mechanics to...
    3. G

      Tactical Sensors & Red Alerts

      I like those Ideas, some of them might be a little more complex to implement. I was thinking too, slightly off topic and more along the ideas for things we can fantasize about but probably wont get. How about a scanner for detecting ores within a certain radius, so at a glance you could see if a...
    4. G

      pirates to hard

      If it is an issue of pirates using custom made ships, then that\'s your answer. However, I will say starting out when I was not familiar with Missles or Shields (as none of which is covered in the tutorial) pirates kicked my ass. I mean the game starts you out without shields, how are you...
    5. G

      FTL Drive Suggestion

      All of this is not bad, but the more complex an idea becomes the less likely implementation is, I think a simple solution is randomly generated fast travel gates, stations or wormholes. It needs to not be up to the player where they land, by means such as a randomization or better yet 2 way...
    6. G

      Connection Optimisation

      It\'s an understandable concern and I sympathize, but... It\'s a terribly pointless way of voicing it, Schema is doing the best he can, and if he made the game work one way, chances are he either can\'t make it a better way, or is already planning on doing so. Half the people who reply to this...
    7. G

      Tactical Sensors & Red Alerts

      Good to know people like my idea, I haven\'t seen an idea like this anywhere else, and the thing that I think is so great about it, is that it won\'t affect balance what-so-ever and in my opinion is an absolutely plausible feature.
    8. G

      Radar Block - Increased detection

      The post I made here suggests blocks that work like sensors, I really believe in this idea too, check it out, I didn\'t half ass it so if you like the idea post a reply so the thread stays alive just long enough for Schema to read it
    9. G

      Suggestions [RP realted] This suggestion i made has a lot of RP benifits IMO, check it out and if you like the idea post a reply to keep the thread visible. I really believe in this, just gotta hype it up til Schema sees it.
    10. G

      Auto Pilot

      Can\'t remeber where I saw it, but there was a list of suggested features/planned features, and this one was categorized as planned, to my undertsnading meaning this is already a sure thing, you should read my post about an improvement that would make auto-pilot even better...
    11. G

      Turn Speeds

      Im sorry, I didn\'t mean to offend, I understand that my point sounds redundant, so I will clear up what I meant. I feel that it is just fine the way it is right now. With some of the biggest ships not being able to turn at all seemingly. You just don\'t need to be moving around in something...
    12. G

      Turn Speeds

      Big, powerful ships that can take a huge beating and dish out huge firepower should not be able to move very well at all. It\'s a balance issue. As damage/shields/mass goes up, agility should go down to counter that. Huge ships are meant to be designed for turrets, and shouldn\'t be able to ever...
    13. G

      Warp Holes

      They should make it so if you hit something at warp, that\'s it, your ships in a billion little pieces over yonder. Make it dangerous, to counteract the convenience
    14. G

      Tactical Sensors & Red Alerts

      After reading through some planned features I got to thinking about the auto-pilot idea. Auto-pilot would give you the ability to go about your business on your ship without necessarily keeping an eye out for your surroundings. This is where the Tactical Sensors & Red Alert Blocks come into...