Recent content by globalwar

    1. G

      Dear server owners.

      I\'ve responded to you two times (this will be the 3rd), thats hardly \"every topics\", nice math though. And you\'ve attempted to insult me both times Heres an idea, you don\'t want me responding to you, stop attempting to insult me and others. You\'ve been very insulting in almost every post...
    2. G

      Dear server owners.

      You\'ve only made yourself look foolish, once again. You\'re trying to jusify something that breaks the economy by listing other things that break the economy. No matter what else might hurt the economy, that doesn\'t change the fact that the blueprints break it (and we are talking about...
    3. G

      Dear server owners.

    4. G

      Dear server owners.

      The only thing that \"can\" work in my opinion, is a whitelist server, with only a few trusted players on it. That will take tons more work by the server owner to make sure things arent getting abused. And anyone whos ran a game server for long knows, If theres a way to get an unfair advantage...
    5. G

      Dear server owners.

      The reasoning is (for most servers I\'m guessing).. 1) It\'s exploitable, you can use the blueprint system to get unlimited credits. 2) It breaks the economy, you can get an unlimited amounts of any type of block with no work. 3) It can be used to grief servers. Any one of these is enough of...
    6. G

      Dear server owners.

      That system would work fine with a bit of tweaking, adding a shipyard block as an example. Edit: or what Stormclouf3 posted. Your argument/opinion on this subject is invalid and further more, biased and kinda insulting. You want an easy mode so to speak. You don\'t want to collect resources...
    7. G

      Multi-Universe ?

      When you select to reset your world (under tools), there is an option \"Backup & reset\". Choose that option then you can save however many worlds you want. To restore them just extract the files to your main folder (be sure to backup the current world first). Note: You might want to rename...
    8. G

      Advanced build mode - Block removal [Solved]

      DracoNB was right, I was to far away from the blocks. I thought I was trying from close up, but I guess since I was trying to edit such a large area, I was not close enough. I\'m now able to remove blocks. Advanced build mode still seems kinda weird though, like at times even though I should be...
    9. G

      Locating planets you have built on?

      I\'m still kinda new to the game, so if I get something wrong sorry. If you set the planet as your faction home you can just look at your faction info for the faction homes coordinates. If its not your faction home, just write the coordinates in the faction news so you won\'t lose them. Then...
    10. G

      Advanced build mode - Block removal [Solved]

      @DracoNB I\'ve tryed both close and far away, same thing, I Rclick and nothing happends. @DeadMeerkat As far as using cheat engine to change the values, that wouldn\'t help since the blocks don\'t get removed while using advanced build mode. So no matter what the values are, the blocks don\'t...
    11. G

      Advanced build mode - Block removal [Solved]

      Yes, I\'m right clicking. Like I said, it works every now and then but 95% of the time it doesn\'t do anything when I right click (even spamming Rclick all over, it does nothing). My PC runs the game great, max settings, besides AA which is set at 4, always 55-60 FPS (using fixed framerate so 60...
    12. G

      Advanced build mode - Block removal [Solved]

      Hi, I'm having a problem with Advanced build mode. I'm trying to terraform a planet using a build block. I need to remove 100000+ blocks (maybe alot more), so of course I want to use the Advanced build mode, But it doesn't work when selecting more then 1 block at a time (nothing gets removed...