Recent content by Gantrithor51

    1. Gantrithor51

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Hey all! A couple of my friends and I stumbled on the post and thought this looked like a pretty nice setup. My in game name is Gantrithor. Why you want to join the server - My friends and I are looking to join a server that is set up for building quality stuff. We have worked as a team to...
    2. Gantrithor51

      Low Frame Rate

      Neither changed much. When I unchecked bloom, it made parts of ships and the base disappear and it has a tearing effect. Also, I appreciate the help so far! :)
    3. Gantrithor51

      Low Frame Rate

      Shadows are off. What would you recommend setting Early Generation Memory to?
    4. Gantrithor51

      Low Frame Rate

      Hey everyone! I know these have come up a ton of times before. I have dug through some of the forums and have not had much luck. When I'm flying around out in my ship when it is by itself, I get around 100 FPS. As soon as I get near our station with other ships and stuff around it, the FPS...