Recent content by Forty-Two

    1. F

      Starmade Q&A

      My question is this (and an important one in my mind) -Can we have Beetlebear back?
    2. F

      To come before the controvercy

      I just looked thrugh Twitter and culd not find a single insult sent from Beetlebear. I did, however, find a tweet sent by you mocking him. \"Yes, 500 tweets in one year sure is a lot.\" Is not a mature response to ANY situation.
    3. F

      Spot the difference

      I have it! In \"8\" you have 1 more in the first picture! You can\'t fool me.
    4. F

      Don't know if i have full version or not.

      The Yogscast were indeed playing on a version before the very recent texture update, it is most likely just just been made to look different now. The Free and Full version are currently the same but you will get the full version upon release (the price will probably increase)
    5. F

      StarMades first Role-Play Server

      I\'m up for it!