Recent content by flett044

    1. flett044

      Osiris cruiser - added airlocks and removed random blocks

      Added two side airlocks and added a door for the main hanger. I also removed random build blocks and fixed all the random holes where i worked.
    2. flett044

      Osiris cruiser - minor stuff

      Replaced the rest of the glass with black crystal armor and added gravity generators and deleted old build blocks.
    3. flett044

      Osiris cruiser - replaced glass with Crystal armor and added new windows

      All glass has been replaced with crystal armor and 4 new windows have been added in the main hanger.
    4. flett044

      Osiris cruiser - inner ship remotes + fixed escape pod doors

      This update adds inner ship remotes to control all hanger doors and force fields, launch escape pods, and turn on and extend salvage module. I also fixed the escape pod doors so they close when the pods are launched.
    5. flett044

      worker bee cargo transfer vehicle 2016-11-23

      This is a small ship designed to move cargo containers, it is based on the "worker bee" from Star Trek.
    6. flett044

      Osiris cruiser - New stuff

      added: utility ships hanger doors 4 cargo containers escape pods now work
    7. flett044

      Osiris cruiser - New interior and color and a new name

      I changed the color of the ship to black and added more interior stuff. The ship is now called Osiris. There are new logic doors on the inside such as 2 elevators and airlocks.
    8. flett044

      drone rack 2016-10-05

      The drone rack for: Ra attack cruiser
    9. flett044

      Osiris cruiser .8

      Original ship: Masurao Capital Ship - Carrier Version Shuttle: Lost the link for this too, PM if its yours and ill add it. Turrets: The turrets I got on the dock, but I did not save the thinks PM me if there yours and I will add them here. Drone rack module: drone rack Worker bee repair...
    10. flett044 Can you post this for download please? I really love the detachable pod.
    11. flett044

      Sovereign Class - Fixed the download

      The download was broken, not its not.
    12. flett044

      USS enterprise - fixed the download

      The download was broken, now its not.
    13. flett044

      Borg cube WIP 2016-07-17

      A borg cube, keep in mind nothing is final as its a work in progress. I will post statistics when its finished "We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us...
    14. flett044

      danube runabout 2016-07-16

      Danube class run about with light weapons.
    15. flett044

      Worker bee repair ship - Picure

      Added picture