Recent content by fireheart10

    1. F

      Game can't load

      Also, if Schema veiws this post, can you make it so that you can copy and paste the error message for future referances? lol
    2. F

      Game can't load

      I have the latest version of intel, so it can't be that- The game will load up to 100%, then crash. I can't remember the error message exactly, however I know enough that it's to do with the new lightning and stuff, Actually nvm, I'll go check...ErrorDialogException:ERROR-DIALOG-EXCEPTION...
    3. F

      Any ways to reduce lag?

      So basically, if I come across a large ship, it sets my fps to about 3 or 4. It may be my computer, but I don't think that's the case, because people have no issue, but they have a worse computer :/ Are there any settings I can change? Thanks.
    4. F

      Exiting ship sends me miles away...

      About 60% of the time, when I try to leave my ship I can get teleported out into the wilderness- The ship is still there, but not with me, of course. I need to float back, all those kilometres. Is this just a thing I'm doing wrong? There's only 1 block attatched to the main control bit thing...