Recent content by Faktor

    1. Faktor

      For the Babylon 5 fans out there!

      So great to see more B5ers makin\' ships.
    2. Faktor

      KOL battleship project

      Haha I thought that was a screenshot of your finished StarMade ship, but that one is just your reference picture. No wonder I couldn\'t believe it. Still, ambitious project. Can\'t wait to see your finished product.
    3. Faktor

      For the Babylon 5 fans out there!

      I prefer making original stuff primarily, but seriously, I HAD to make these: Now, do I even DARE to make the actual B5 station for these to dock in? (Edit: yeah, I'm aware the core is in a really exposed place. Bad planning. Maybe my next iteration, if I do one, will fix that. :) )