Recent content by faiyde

    1. faiyde

      Crew as a way to limit turret/drone spam, encourage warfare, and induce maintenance costs

      Perhaps have crew just upgrade the AI, so allow target prioritisation, aiming for power/weapons (when detected by scan) and fleet formations. Keep Bobby as is or maybe dumbed down a bit, like all offensive turrets can only track the same target. that would mean it isn't necessary to have crew on...
    2. faiyde

      Warheads as a system buff

      I really like this idea but would like to make a few suggestions. Firstly it should probably boost blocks touching/near it instead, to avoid people just separating them from the rest of the ship. (as others have mentioned that would be a big problem) But I think it should also be a new block...
    3. faiyde

      Read by Council Subtle changes

      Hud shake could work, but not camera shake.
    4. faiyde

      In Developement Collision Damage

      Think of all the calculations and masses of collisions checks that those two colliding ships would be needing in that space engineers pic. Now do it for a Starmade ship, that are very often a hundred times the size. It would be nice if they ever do find a way to make it work, but I wouldn't...
    5. faiyde

      Why Hunt pirates?

      If your playing on a server they might actually have the loot clouds disabled.
    6. faiyde

      Bug Squished Station & Docked Entities

      Had this the other day, Google told me to delete something in the game files, can't quite remember what. Think it was cached files from servers or such.
    7. faiyde

      Thoughts on partially self powering turrets

      Like this? It works nicely.
    8. faiyde

      Gravity block that affects fighters.

      boble -> bubble I get what you mean, aligning ships to a big ship, but I don't think it would work out very well if it was a constant effect. (ship turns, other ships turn with it, smashing into all asteroids and space stations around) If there could be a way for it to only trigger immediately...