Recent content by Elspin

    1. E

      Disable friendly fire?

      I see what you were trying to say now but TBH making it also hit allies seems like an awful way of balancing an overpowered weapon
    2. E

      Disable friendly fire?

      Sorry, what? I'm having a hard time understanding this sentence. What would be OP about disabling swarm missiles targeting allies? That sounds crazy to me, I can't imagine any scenario where I'd ever want swarm missiles to target allies, better yet consider disabling it "overpowered" That's...
    3. E

      Disable friendly fire?

      A player on our server recently made a swarm missile on one of his giant ships and has been accidentally obliterating ships without us even knowing what was going on. We're all now aware of what was happening but it would be a disaster of management preventing someone from accidentally...
    4. E

      Bug Losing gravity/alignment

      I'm also having this issue and it's making the game borderline unplayable - walking about my ship is like a bad acid trip where my view is shooting all over the place in random directions constantly for no good reason. I tried binding the align button to a different key than the jump button but...