Recent content by Eddie

    1. E

      Intimate RP Server (Not too serious!)

      Some Faction Bios Name: Alba Industries Owner:Headland Hawk Primary goals: Economic Superiority Attitude: Neutral Tax system: Income is derived from shop sales and supplying factions with ships Build Style: Minimalist Structure: Space based (some small mining outposts may crop up)...
    2. E

      Intimate RP Server (Not too serious!)

      PM\'d Sleez, and updated PM.
    3. E

      The single biggest thing holding this game back

      There are pros and cons for this depending on the style of game you are playing. And a very open ended game like this can be played in MANY ways. The way I wish to play it is, is in a hardcore mode in a structured environment, and for this, this feature is essential. There for this should be...
    4. E

      Intimate RP Server (Not too serious!)

      PM\'d :-)
    5. E

      Intimate RP Server (Not too serious!)

      So I've started a server with a web host. As an adult gamer I've been wanting a more intimate and mature experience so these are my plans: To have only a couple of factions, to start with only two. And you must join one of the factions upon joining for the first time. You'll be informed of the...
    6. E

      Tryndalis Faction Wars [PvP] [Custom Blocks] [24/7] [Whitelist] Apply to join

      Hey guys, I\'d love to play on your server, in game name BigEdd, I\'m a mature gamer, and want to play somewhere a little more structured then the normal free for al server, join a faction etc etc, Thanks, Edd