Recent content by Dominic92x

    1. D

      AI tweaks?

      Is it possible to tweak the AI's behavior in any way? I played a little today with some custom made AI ships and they usually just ran away and never engaged haha. I made sure their cannons/etc were working properly before spawning them in.
    2. D

      New and Have a server

      Thanks for the awesome advice! I used to run a fairly large minecraft server in which I spent almost ALL my time moderating/growing. It does take a lot of time for sure. I\'m just curious - in Minecraft there are \'plugins\' to help moderate and create fun events. I see no such thing for...
    3. D

      New and Have a server

      Hey everyone! I just started playing this game a week or so ago... First, I have to say that this game is amazing in so many ways. My friends and I have a dedicated server that we would like to open to the public - however we are unaware of anything that makes a "good" server besides good...