Recent content by Demodor

    1. D

      rotate a station

      I am currently configuring a new server on which i plan on building a warp gates network through the galaxy starting from the spawn in all 4 horizontal directions. I plan on using a modified version of this warp gate and it would take me ages to build 3 more stations to have the blueprints...
    2. D

      Dynamic Gravity Logic

      That's just wrong...i hate it when i create an area with trigger modules that activates the gravity, and when another player walks in, it disables my gravity..the gravity should be one for all. Right now, it's each player affects individually a gravity block, while i want all players to be...
    3. D

      A few sugestions

      dude, Who said you have to spend minutes to see the damage?? In a fight, one quick peek is enough to see where and how much is affected a side. And by the way, the small holes in your hull are neglectable when it comes to fights between titans, like you said...i am talking here about hull...
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      Dynamic Gravity Logic

      I would like that the gravity module to have a field around it, once you enter it, you are affected by the gravity, no matter how many players are entering or leaving the field, not having to activate the module every time, or trigger it. And the modules have settings like omnidirectional...
    5. D

      A few sugestions

      I have an idea for press a button, a big frame opens and you see your ship. You can rotate, zoom in, zoom put, just like the map...the mechanics are already in the game, just needs to be implemented for a check a small box, and all the blocks become semitransparent with a...
    6. D

      A few sugestions

      well, what i wrote that was mostly for the hull damage..the shields could be a line near the frame (or inside) or be indicated as percent x%
    7. D

      A few sugestions

      I see the GUI is being changed..i have a few ideas...instead of health bar and shields to the target lines, put a virtual semi transparent green model of the ship in a frame in a corner on top like the map's frame and the areas with damage with red. The model is comprised of 2 images, one with a...