Recent content by Dadau

    1. Dadau

      SMEdit conversion database

      Personally I have no problem using the current version of starmade for SMedit. I import my .binvox into SMedit and I can register directly with the SMEdit option. I have no problem to make them appear in game (I use steam for Starmade and SMedit uses the files there). On the other hand SMedit...
    2. Dadau

      Screenshots for official use

      A Dagger class (unofficial Starwars Dagger Class Heavy Corvette by HandofManos on DeviantArt) coming out of a shipyard with a light Arquitens cruiser far away In the second image, a Dagger class formation. The creation of the ship was done in coorporation with several members of the same faction.
    3. Dadau

      SR StarWars 24/7 Dedicated (SpaceRift)New Setting up

      Very beautiful! I'm on a server whose faction I'm part of is only building starwar ships and especially 1:1 for the biggest! I'm a hype as soon as I see starwar ships in 1:1 for the biggest ones! =D Here are some of our creations (Share ourselves entirely and others that we have taken from...