Recent content by Creodor

    1. Creodor

      Factory/Storage block connections overhaul

      I agree that physical connections would be preferable and also supply a balance for factories on ships. Ships, unlike stations, are limited by size and mass in terms of speed/power/etc balances so having to work with physical connections will force you to choose between different systems...
    2. Creodor

      Ideas from Tymas

      Yes, that is helpful and useful criticism, really identifies problems you see with the ideas. How about, in the future, you instead actually comment on things you see as problems instead of simply calling people names?
    3. Creodor

      Ideas from Tymas

      These are some suggestions from Tymas, the community of people I’m part of. These are based purely on the game as it is now, and thus some will not be of much value in Schema’s grand plan. That’s fine. We do not know what Schema’s intended scale is, so some of these ideas will be flawed simply...
    4. Creodor

      Unreadable Last Post forum text

      The original Opera browser maybe? One thing I did just notice, the top level of the forums does not have this issue.
    5. Creodor

      Unreadable Last Post forum text

      I see it like that in Chrome Version 27.0.1453.116 m Internet Explorer 8 sees almost everything covered in semi transparent white like that. Firefox 21 sees it like the screenshot above.
    6. Creodor

      null client Connection Issue

      After switching my server to UDP instead of TCP, the server started giving a series of null client errors after running for a short time (15-20 minutes), and then would drop everyone online with an EOFException error, and give that error again every time they tried to connect. Switching back to...
    7. Creodor

      Sector Boundary Issues (AKA Bug-Powered Jumpgate)

      Savage, yes, that might help. But that\'s treating the symptom, not the cause. And given that there are other issues with boundaries, it seemed like reporting what I saw would help with finding the cause. Trying to help figure out why it\'s breaking. bonerdagon, I\'ve actually had reports of...
    8. Creodor

      Logging out while server does not respond keeps you logged in

      Had this happen a couple times, had to restart the server to get a couple people able to login again. Pretty unpleasant bug.
    9. Creodor

      Dedicated server hosting problems?

      The updater should automatically create a backup. You should probably restore that, if updating caused issues. Somehow, though, I don\'t think anyone here can/will do anything about you being scammed or screwed over.
    10. Creodor

      Chain docking ins't implemented.

      It\'s already stated in the error message that it\'s going to be implemented, have some patience. Use a hangar in the meantime, they will keep your ship safe and secure just as well as a dock.
    11. Creodor

      Faction menu bug

      Affects other menus as well. Related to:
    12. Creodor

      Sector Boundary Issues (AKA Bug-Powered Jumpgate)

      It's likely that none of what led to this issue is actually recommended or supported, but as it's *possible* I feel I should mention it. One of the players on my server got into his mind to create a giant cube arena for ship combat and testing. Really big. It takes up most of a sector. And in...
    13. Creodor

      Placing blocks too rapidly does not remove the correct amount from your inventory

      I\'ve posted about this as well: Just because it does similar when removing blocks doesn\'t make it okay; this is something that hints at issues with how client/server interaction is being handled that needs to be addressed badly, before the...
    14. Creodor

      GUI Overlayed Items Text

      I see this very frequently. Hitting escape a couple times usually clears it, but it\'s extremely annoying.
    15. Creodor

      Impossible to manufacture docking enhancers.

      This might help you; I haven\'t looked into how it\'s done yet, but you might be able to add a recipe in: Just temporary, of course, but at least you\'ll be able to until an official recipe can be added in.