Recent content by cowboyshirt

    1. cowboyshirt

      Admin/Creative GUI with ''drag'n'drop'' blocks

      Should definitely be added.
    2. cowboyshirt

      Ship Outline

      I think that in advanced build mode there should be an option for using a ship blueprint to show where each block goes, the rotation, and when you look over it there should be a little notification saying what it's connected to, if it is connected to something (as in, what computer it's...
    3. cowboyshirt

      Leviathan Flagship, Ark-Class Colony vessel, Pacifist-Class Bomber and RSV-6501-III "Poseidon" Sci

      Use this to load your ship load Loads the object and puts it in the nearest available spot CatalogName(String), ShipName(String) /load mySavedShip myShipInGame If you dont know what its called use this list_ships Lists the current ship catalog...
    4. cowboyshirt

      How do I become Admin in Single Player

      give an example of a command you type in.