Recent content by Cjen1

    1. C

      Offline Ship Editor

      sorry got it working it turned out that it wasn\'t accepting the file that I put it in as the starmade directory so now it is working great
    2. C

      Offline Ship Editor

      I can\'t seem to get the modify menu open
    3. C

      Making ships SO much cooler

      This would also mean that torpedoes would be useful with the bombs exploding when it collides with the target.
    4. C

      StarMade Ship Converter

      A guy is currently working on something like this. Here is the progress so far
    5. C

      Vii's Homeworld inspired, Dimensional Ship Scale:

      Just do it by mass that\'s easily checked.
    6. C

      Offline Ship Editor

      I have been looking for an editor like MCedit for starmade and now we almost have one. I have bookmarked this page and will be checking back regularly. Absolutely fantastic.
    7. C

      Offline Ship Editor

      Could you add some region select and edit functionality like mcedit. Still, absolutely fantastic work