Recent content by Chromethous

    1. C

      Adv. Build Template

      Fantastic. I tried looking for editing software for the SMTML file extension and I found out that it was a template file (denoted by the TML) made by Starmade (the SM). I've looked and have yet to find something that edits TML files, all the sites say to use the original application which...
    2. C

      Adv. Build Template

      Hello there I saw the Tweet a few days ago about the Template feature planned for an upcoming release of the game, So I got the Dev version and started messing around with this new feature. love it, gonna make building epic ship components so much fun and quicker. I just had a few questions...
    3. C

      FULL crafting tree image/images..

      I love the crafting System, Being a long time Minecraft player who loves Tech mods this system is Way easy compared to some of the tech mods (GregTech anyone?) but I digress. I'm in the process of converting each Recipe into text and putting into an Excel Database. What this will let you do...