Recent content by ChrisClark13

    1. ChrisClark13

      Space Corgis

      The stealth shuttles are as lightweight and compact as possible, I just tested it and with only 2 more blocks it can\'t power the cloak, jammer, and engines at the same time without running out of power (slowly at least). I don\'t have plans on trying to make this design any smaller unless...
    2. ChrisClark13

      Space Corgis

      Okay, so here\'s some pictures of the stealth shuttle, I tried my best to not have any power blocks jutting out. The dimensions are 5x5x13. Note, I said it looks \"kind of nice\", meaning it looks nicer than it could have. ?
    3. ChrisClark13

      Space Corgis

      Hello! We are the Space Corgis! The Corgis are currently based on (Faction ID 10003) and are Public! We are currently working on expanding our Corgi HQ to include docking bays and getting loot from pirate bases so we can roll in the dough. We also have many...