Recent content by Chemicalz

    1. C

      Blueprint corruption (and solution, but it still needs to be fixed)

      I tried this and for some reason i have 2 SMD2 files for one ship, one file is 685KB and the other 110KB. When i do this for each file it spawns around half the ship for each file. Any fix for that? Seems my ship file has split in half somehow D:
    2. C

      (FIX)[Catalog issue] Baught a ship blueprint & won't spawn.(FIX)

      This is really really stupid, please fix this bug asap made my ship and it wont spawn in other servers.
    3. C

      Spawning Materials

      Nevermind i got it
    4. C

      Spawning Materials

      How does it work? I enter my info to the program then nothing happens? Do i have to type something in on the game?