Recent content by Cerapa

    1. C

      suggestion for adjusting power generation

      I was quite harsh previously and I apologize for that. But I think it should be possible to cloak and jam that ship with the current system. May I ask for the specific stats of the ship(mass, current power generation, length, width, height)? I would appreciate a closer look at the ship itself...
    2. C

      suggestion for adjusting power generation

      I call bullshit. A reactor with 200 x/y/z (you said 100 length ship, the bird of prey seems to be as wide as it is long, plus a bit of height) produces around 151k power. That is enough to cloak+jam around 100 mass. Which means that only 20% has to be power generators. If 70% of your ship is...
    3. C

      Accordion Style Reactor

      I do believe you misunderstood what your friend told you. 9 blocks is the breaking point where seperate blocks and a group are equal. It is the least efficient group that is better than just placing single blocks all over the place. I wanted to make a better reactor, but thought it was 5x5x24...