Recent content by Celebir

    1. C


      I don't think its a problem with your program. I've been trying to take down the new pirate stations and they are also missing cores. It seems the cores were removed from the new stations.
    2. C


      ah well thats a bummer. thanks for the quick responses.
    3. C


      So I've tried using this following your directions in conjunction with your BluepringConverter and the ship is still loading with out a core. I've been trying to use it on the Lost-Shangra-la. I attached the .sment file for it. Maybe you'll have better luck? Trying to make this station a ship
    4. C


      how do I convert a .sment file into something this can change? I tried renaming it to a .7z, but when i ran this on the .7z folders and then renamed it to .sment the game would not let me import it