Recent content by Caleb_NL5755

    1. C

      TOS Enterprise SHELL WIP 2016-08-30

      The outer hull is complete. The interior is barely started, with just the Bridge, shuttlebay, and some hallways in the primary hull. Turbolift 1 is fully functional, while all other logic systems are in beta. To activate the bussards use the innership remote. The arms and base of the Command...
    2. C

      1:1 Millennium Falcon w. Accurate Interior - Barely the same ship!!!

      It's an entirely different ship now, so much so that I was tempted to upload it as a separate ship in its own right. But aesthetically it remains mostly the same, so technically it is just an update. Here's what's new: The whole design was converted to Odd-symmetry mode, and is now more...
    3. C

      TIE Advanced Custom 2015-09-25

      Just like its sister ships, this TIE fighter is helpless on its own. In greater numbers however these little ships can be quite a pest to contend with. It features machine gun cannons, a pair of missiles with 100percent damage beam and punch-through effect, and ion swarmers. the thrust-to-mass...
    4. C

      Ultimate Millennium Falcon - Wireless blocks Linked, Systems improved

      UPDATE!!!!!!! The latest version of starmade had completely trashed the systems on this ship, so changes had to be made. Also, the wireless blocks now spawn in linked! Yay! It now features twice the power capacity and regen than before, a more powerful main cannon, and a pair of missiles that...
    5. C

      Ultimate Millennium Falcon 2015-07-10

      Behold gentlemen, the ultimate replica of the famous Corellian freighter. At 102 meters long it is roughly at 4:1 scale, and features a complete interior and many, many gadgets to play with. Accurate in every detail! STATS: MASS: 4,160 LENGTH: 102m HIGHT: 19m WIDTH: 69m POWER: 642,615...
    6. C

      1:1 Millennium Falcon w. Accurate Interior 2015-07-10

      A one-to-one scale replica of the Millennium Falcon, a heavily modified YT-1300 class light-freighter made famous by the exploits of Captain Han Solo and his first mate Chewbacca. This ship features two missile launchers, two rapid fire cannons, and a jump drive that charges in under twelve...