Recent content by BorgCollective

    1. BorgCollective

      \\ Unscrambling message \\

      We already tried that didn't give us significant thrust.
    2. BorgCollective

      \\ Unscrambling message \\

      Anyone want to give us a lift... we broke down....
    3. BorgCollective

      The Vaygr Empire "To Dominate & Control" [Apply here]

      Hull is inefficient as it currently stands.
    4. BorgCollective

      Starfleet - Still boldly going [No longer recruiting]

      This is the DFN we are talking about... ;D
    5. BorgCollective

      Starfleet - Still boldly going [No longer recruiting]

      Ah we understand we had the same problem with the concord class cube.
    6. BorgCollective

      Starfleet - Still boldly going [No longer recruiting]

      The collective wonders why you would have torpedoes specifically for travelling the pacific?
    7. BorgCollective

      We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships.

      \\ Unimatrix Nexus NDOS \\ "We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile" We will assimilate you to our community! OCC. We are a dorment...
    8. BorgCollective

      \\ Unscrambling message \\

      \\ Nexus Database NDOS \\ \\ Open source file \\ -Tracking.. -Tracking.. -File found. -File Corrupted \\ Attempting file recovery \\ -Processing 28% -Processing 54% -Recovery failed! \\ Restore current data \\ -File 18881199 - Cube 151 --- Intercepting...
    9. BorgCollective

      Starfleet - Still boldly going [No longer recruiting]

      Resistance is futile you will be assimilated.
    10. BorgCollective

      The Vaygr Empire "To Dominate & Control" [Apply here]

      Inefficient but snazzy...
    11. BorgCollective

      TAVIN NCC-1084

      I came expecting star trek :L
    12. BorgCollective

      A large, educated Public Chat argument on warp, Gates VS FTL beacons

      Meh i still prefer gates and all this \"nodes will have less lag\" im pretty sure the game will have to check to see if there is a empty space big enough for the warping ship so it will just be as laggy maybe even more potentially for warping ships because it will have a bigger area to check for...
    13. BorgCollective

      Borg Building and Glitch Stitching

      Damn ive got 301*301*301 cube and that costs more than the maximum credits i cant imagine a 1000*1000*1000
    14. BorgCollective

      Smaller numbers?

      Id just rather have commas
    15. BorgCollective

      Starmade ULTIMATE SHIP NAME COLLECTION! -Not for the faint of heart-

      I find the lack of cube desiginations disturbing but kudos on the klingon word for trash/useless wouldnt want to be flying the PetaQ i bet its were all the warriors without honor serve