Recent content by Blacklink2001

    1. Blacklink2001

      Got a new computer for christmas! Now I'm finally able to handle properly sized ships!

      Got a new computer for christmas! Now I'm finally able to handle properly sized ships!
    2. Blacklink2001

      Added support for Sketchfab

      Not sure if it will actually solve your problems, but if you're exporting via blender there is an easier way than uploading the .blend file to sketchfab. If you go to File -> User preferences -> Add-ons. If you search for "Sketchfab" there you can enable the exporter, and uploading to sketchfab...
    3. Blacklink2001

      Added support for Sketchfab

      Of course! Putting an emission as overlay over the usual texture will be way more effective... great job on getting those other light sources working by the way! I updated my models so they have that epic lighting everywhere now ;).
    4. Blacklink2001

      Added support for Sketchfab

      What I did in order to get lights to actually emit light, is that I went to the mtl_0 material. I changed the base color texture to t000NoLights (Included in this post). Then I enabled emission, and changed the emission texture to t000LightsOnly (Also included to this post) I set the emission...
    5. Blacklink2001

      Added support for Sketchfab

      Of course! I didn't think about choosing the texture as transparency layer but that makes a lot of sense. If you do the same but select the mtl_0 material and do the same the plants should have see-through edges. Thanks for the help! I updated the tradestation teta to have proper transparency...
    6. Blacklink2001

      Added support for Sketchfab

      Wait? You managed to get rid of the white things on the light rods but not on the plants? Did you do this within sketchfab or did you use an external program to get rid of those, because I only managed to figure out how to do that in blender. If you want to solve those plants you should probably...
    7. Blacklink2001

      Added support for Sketchfab

      No, thank you! I'm very glad I could help this amazing community. (+ I suddenly like starmade 1000 times more now that I know what kind of amazing people play it.). If you could fix the issue that started this whole thing I could do so much more with this... Anyways I got to go for quite a while...
    8. Blacklink2001

      Added support for Sketchfab

      Holy sh*t?! I got a bit of inspiration for stuff to do with these models, the model export didn't work properly on my computer so I asked the helpdesk, and just like that, I inspired tons of people to upload their models to sketchfab! That's amazing! I really hope people can share some great...