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    • i like the video with the drones from the aurora class, been trying to get mine to do that but the heatseekers are still buggy and they hit me not my target
      admiral pheonix
      admiral pheonix
      Lol, i had the swarm missile idea for one of my ships but it really back fired and almost killed my fighter squadron in my hanger lol.
      wow . lol The good part is mines still hits the target but it hits me too and also for some reason after it destroys the target the AI targets my ship. Even if I'm in the same faction . lol Having a ship to the size of the Aurora class makes destroying pirate bases easy.
      admiral pheonix
      admiral pheonix
      yeah it does, i got a ship that similar in size but more armored and military based, large ships always make taking out small ships and bases fun.
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