Recent content by Babouh

    1. Babouh

      The StarMade Meta data file format (smbpm)

      Hi everyone, I'm using the 010 editor with the meta data template, but I'm getting some errors during the file parsing. ***** *WARNING Line 62: Variable 'dockedEntry' not generated since array size is zero. *ERROR Line 52: Invalid array size in declaration. ***** Has anyone run into the same...
    2. Babouh

      The StarMade smd3 file format (Chunk 32 update)

      That's wonderful news ! Thank you !
    3. Babouh

      The StarMade smd3 file format (Chunk 32 update)

      Hi everyone, I'm using the Starmade blueprint (sment) for a mod project but with the last update the blueprint system changed. I was wondering if there is any information about the new smd3 file format? Something like the 010 template for the smd2 format maybe? So if anyone has any other...