Recent content by Azari

    1. Azari

      Goliath K2 Blue

      Hi, Today i present you my greatest build : The Goliath, (also known as the Goliath K2) is one of the best ships in the MMO game DarkOrbit. He cost me 6 hours and he is totaly finish. This ship have : • 2 missile launcher for 50K damage (you can launch just 1 missile at the same time, it...
    2. Azari

      In big project

      In big project
    3. Azari

      Napoleonic Class Ship 2015-03-14

      Hi, Today i publish my first content who cost me 4 hours, he is just a spotlight, isn't the last version of this ship, because he need lot of change again, in particular with the ship core who is on the wrong side. As you can see it, It is not a "RP" ship, just a adaptation of a real naval...