Recent content by aRottenKomquat

    1. aRottenKomquat

      Casual's perspective of the forum war

      As another casual player, I signed in long enough to reply. I have no idea what's going on around here anymore. This forum is the most toxic web community I've ever seen. Calling this place a dumpster fire is offensive to dumpster fires. I check in maybe once a month to see if there are updates...
    2. aRottenKomquat

      Brainstorming: Scaleable Universes

      I like the idea for random starting spots. As for an expanding universe, why even have a discrete "galaxy"? The universe generator could be made more Minecraft-like. Instead of reaching the edge of the galaxy, you just continue to uncover more and more star systems. Density could vary according...
    3. aRottenKomquat

      Saber's Thread

      I presume items for capturing astronauts would work on NPCs? Now I'm imagining a POW exchange between two factions at war!
    4. aRottenKomquat

      Devblog 18th July, 2017 - End Goal Document Part 2

      I once visited Sagittarius A* in Elite: Dangerous. Hoping there are epic journeys to be had like that in StarMade someday!
    5. aRottenKomquat

      In depth mechanics for total stealth overhaul

      I like it. It also has the advantage of being the simplest stealth/sensor mechanic I've ever seen proposed.
    6. aRottenKomquat

      Using star system adjacency to provide base protection

      I specifically said that your home star system is ALWAYS fully protected. You do not need to establish adjacent territory for that one.
    7. aRottenKomquat

      Using star system adjacency to provide base protection

      Here's my take on how to address factions turtling in a single homebase in a single star system. Faction Points do not apply here at all. (This concept ties in with what I anticipate Schine's "Imperialist" role to be.) I will be taking the current concept of faction homebase protection and...
    8. aRottenKomquat

      Nonlinear end game goal.

      I believe the fun will be in the community. Once the game is more complete and there are more players, there will ALWAYS be things to do on a busy server.
    9. aRottenKomquat

      Devblog 11th July 2017 - End Goal Document Part 1

      I look forward to reading about the Industrialist and Imperialist roles, I think that might be where I'd be the most comfortable.
    10. aRottenKomquat

      How do you feel about starmade?

      I like the game but I'm also a bit frustrated and bored at its current state and the relatively small community. But it's an incomplete game and my expectations need to be set accordingly. The game is not finished and the dev team is small, so I play the game for a bit after big updates to see...
    11. aRottenKomquat

      Planetary Auras (special buffs/debuffs)

      I've long wanted to see planets become strategic resources instead of big chunks of rock to be mined and forgotten. And after playing a round of Sins of a Solar Empire last weekend, I have a more concrete suggestion on how to do this. I suggest that some planets (perhaps 5 - 10% probability)...
    12. aRottenKomquat

      Veering away from block logic?

      I personally would prefer more computer blocks to control/configure things. It would open up more roleplay/cooperation, at least given the way we play on my server when it's online. It encourages players to work together to fly a ship, e.g. captain must give the engineer orders to quickly...
    13. aRottenKomquat

      High speed rails systems

      I was disappointed at how slow rails were the very first time I used them. I'd built a space elevator type thing to get from the planetary surface to a ship docking area way above and it took a minute or two for the elevator to travel. Then I discovered transporters and never touched rails again.
    14. aRottenKomquat

      A some what different and easier to implement Paint proposal.

      What about a new factory block that is just a dedicated painter? Consumes any type of hull or armor and paint, spits out painted hull or armor, and can strip paint too. Call it an Electroplater or something.
    15. aRottenKomquat

      What to call "Tech Points"

      Prioritized Emission of Neutronic Interflux Stuffs (sorry, someone had to do it :-p)