Recent content by Armand79th

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      Power Update. Dev build presentation.

      I see no reason at all for the moderators to permit this whining bitchfest.
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      Brierie UK server finally has NPC's!

      That's exactly the answer I was hoping for.. The issue for me is that I can't really monitor the usage if the RAM is pre-allocated. I'll just give my VM more memory and see how that goes.. if there's enough free on the host.
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      Brierie UK server finally has NPC's!

      If I may ask, what are the specs on your server? I'm currently running mine on a CentOS7 VDS with 4GB RAM and I can't decide if the server is too low on specs, or if it's just my crappy office PC. :P
    4. A

      Skylord Worlds: all my Projects,Stations,Skins and Procedural faction ships list

      This is NUCKING FUTS!! I love this planet concept. :D Awesome work, as always.