Recent content by Angus and Alexis

    1. Angus and Alexis

      Should ships be able to fight without shields?

      Shields are basically regenerating armor ingame. Now. Should a tank fight without armor? I think not.
    2. Angus and Alexis

      Dem Feels.

      So because someone stole a minor asset, you became a poofta? -1... *Edited*
    3. Angus and Alexis


    4. Angus and Alexis

      Increasing the amount of interaction between players.

      In this case, i support additional freedom of this sort, its needed really. +1. Please explain the OP more in the future.
    5. Angus and Alexis

      Increasing the amount of interaction between players.

      Holy jugglefuck. 1: universe limit? Sorry mate, but space is big, REALLY big. If you are getting pissy because you cant find anyone, try harder, or stop being a pirate and just bloody loot some poor planet. 2: faction limit? Are you fucking serious? What if someone wants to make a freelance...
    6. Angus and Alexis

      Quick Fixes for Economy Exploits

      Even simpler, make it so astronauts cannot carry fucktons of items. It fixed several issues, economy, and freighting.
    7. Angus and Alexis

      New weapon types for the update thread (also other suggestions)

      I would like for shuttles to be more than glorified escape pods. Fighters should be better than freaking distractions! Saw this, then -1\'d.
    8. Angus and Alexis

      Make Pirating Profitable. Add a location people have to go to on a regular basis.

      You see, in the game, the tiniest fastest ship can contain several BILLIONS worth of loot. You only need 10 plex storage to suck up virtually everything, See where this issue comes from? See why pirating at the moment is botched? Protip: Its not the difficulty of finding freighters, ITS THE...
    9. Angus and Alexis

      Make Pirating Profitable. Add a location people have to go to on a regular basis.

      No, i simply do not like the idea of every single twat ingame being able to easily attack all traders. I for one would be safe in my capital, but traders? In freighters? I doubt they would enjoy being prey every step of the way.
    10. Angus and Alexis

      Make Pirating Profitable. Add a location people have to go to on a regular basis.

      Again mate. YOU want to track people? Then YOU should put in the effort. Do you think pirates these days (and the old days) had magic tracking machines? No. Want to track? Isolate trading areas, and yes, the BEST way to track, is to CAMP until you find someone. Its not the games fault that...
    11. Angus and Alexis

      Make Pirating Profitable. Add a location people have to go to on a regular basis.

      Look mate. If you cant find anyone, it is YOUR fault. Don\'t try to add shiny features that add nothing more than bad behaviours ingame. You can look at faction home systems via faction tab, you can use this to ambush people. You can stay at spawn and attack traders, new or not. If you want...
    12. Angus and Alexis

      Friction in space

      As above, this would ruin freedom. -1
    13. Angus and Alexis

      Make Pirating Profitable. Add a location people have to go to on a regular basis.

      Err...mate. Pirating IS profitable already. How? Step one: Find random trader ship that has recently been looting a planet. Stop two: Kill it. Step three: ??? Step four: profit.