Recent content by Aizria

    1. Aizria

      Imagination Builds

      You never cease to amaze me with your God-tier building skills, Jan. O.=.O This is the definition of epic, as far as I'm concerned! :3
    2. Aizria

      soooo... what now?

      Precisely. No doubt he has quite a fair few to sort through.
    3. Aizria

      FULL crafting tree image/images..

      Ah! Very true indeed, you make an excellent point. ^.=.^ That detail had totally slipped my mind and I'd simply been using RecipeGraphs. XD Thank you very much for that. :D
    4. Aizria

      FULL crafting tree image/images..

      To be honest, the new crafting system may seem complex, and I will concede that it is a little bit so, but we have been provided recipe references pretty much for free. If you want to make a certain block, pretty much all that you have to do is find it in your RecipeGraphs folder and physically...
    5. Aizria

      Parent Ship

      @der_scheme pretty much nailed it. Granted, when people say that a game mod is not possible, they do not, as der_scheme tried to specify, necessarily mean that it can't be done, they're saying that it cannot be done without re-writing parts of the game's current engine...which is no simple feat...
    6. Aizria

      FULL crafting tree image/images..

      Yes, because the devs are totally out to get the players. Totally, because it's not like this game is in alpha or anything. This game is already out of development and should totally be bug-free and fully-implemented, I don't know what you mean by the term, "alpha". Pardon the sarcasm, but...
    7. Aizria

      Leaving the forums

      Sayonara, as far as the forums go, Jan~ Sorry to see you go, good sir. I hope to see you around server-side! ^.=.^
    8. Aizria

      FTL Discussion Reboot

      We already have that. It's called Overdrive. Honestly, if that cut it in terms of having in-game FTL, myself and others would not ask for something different. One could, of course, argue that we could simply have a faster version of Overdrive, but the problem with that sort of "FTL" is that...
    9. Aizria

      Faction Security

      Yes, yes, and yes. I've said yes to this sort of idea before, and I'll say it again. We need this in a bad way. I, too, am more than surprised that this issue has not been ameliorated as of yet.
    10. Aizria

      Adventures in Spaceship (Mis)Engineering

      Honestly, the green looks neat. But, I can see what you're saying. If you're bent on changing it, I personally would change it to red, or maybe orange...probably red. The reason being that some uniformity is good, but I think that, if the green were changed to blue, it might be a little too...
    11. Aizria

      It's hard to play with collision damage turned on

      While that works, it's arguably not very optimal. Still, props for creative thinking. ^.=.^
    12. Aizria

      [HUD] - Holo HUD 3D - UPD (06/10)

      Aaah. PrintScreen makes sense. That would explain a lot, actually. XD Yeah, something like that. Its my screen's native res....a really weird one, I might add. XD
    13. Aizria

      [HUD] - Holo HUD 3D - UPD (06/10)

      Woot! Just when I thought that the HUD couldn't get any sexier, it at least 20%. :3 Edit: I did notice, though, a small quirk with the energy and health/shield bars that I have bracketed in red in this image: Otherwise, this looks absolutely glorious, imo. :D
    14. Aizria

      [HUD] - Holo HUD 3D - UPD (06/10)

      Mmmm. That looks delicious and very....cockpit/helmet-y. I love it! :D
    15. Aizria

      How to increase max credits...without increasing the maximum number?

      Good thinking, I like it! :D Of course, to go along with this, credits should likely be 5 times more difficult to earn to keep things balanced, otherwise every noob and his mother can suddenly spawn titans with even less work than is required now. XD