Recent content by AgeingHippy

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      Bug SerialException on server .. caused by <too many MOBs>

      Magic, I have used the bug report tool which packs in the log files I believe, so that's sorted. I'll use the command you recommend. Thanks.
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      Bug SerialException on server .. caused by <too many MOBs>

      Hi All I keep getting the above exception and my system is very laggy. It seems to occur for each of the mobs, or a number of them. My sector seems to have hundreds of traders. I think they have maybe been spawned through time due to pirate attacks..?? Anyway, the server (my singleplayer) is...
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      Bug Pirates / Trading Fighters not spawning

      Haha - well that worked. Found a spawn of 10 pirates and was totally owned!! oops lol Thanks for the pointer :-)
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      Bug Pirates / Trading Fighters not spawning

      Sorry to revive an old thread, but I have this problem... I'm afraid the Ship catalogue accessed from the starmade starter is simply a list. Where or how do I find the admin tab to allow me to ensure at least one ship is tagged 'enemy usable'? Thanks
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      Newbie.. spawning surrounded by pirates and no credits :-(

      Haha. Magic. Working now :-) Thanks for your help
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      Newbie.. spawning surrounded by pirates and no credits :-(

      Thanks for the response. Found the option but somehow I've broken something. Tried viewing the index database (one of the options). Nothing happend and now when trying to start the game I'm getting SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.ENTITIES :-/
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      Newbie.. spawning surrounded by pirates and no credits :-(

      Hi All I have just downloaded this game to give it a try. Did the tutorial and started salvaging but got killed and after a second try essentially lost everything. Now I'm spawning surrounded by pirates and no credits to buy parts (including a core) for a ship. How do I reset the conditions? Ta