Recent content by Admiral_Waffles

    1. Admiral_Waffles

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      I seem to have gotten a null pointer error while exploring. AestheticEnd tried a few things to move me if it was location related. (killed me etc. while I tried to logon etc.) Looking back a page it looked like others had the same issue (not sure if it was the same area or not.) So I suppose...
    2. Admiral_Waffles

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Hello, I too wish to join the server. Been playing on and off for a few years on a private server with a few others but looking to join the community and see what others are doing. IGN: Admiral_Waffles Here's some screenshots of some projects in various states of completion... I guess my...