Recent content by Admiral_Kirk

    1. Admiral_Kirk

      [Suggestion] Sound Blocks (Music Blocks)

      I did not think of that, but great to know for if they do decide to add sound blocks, which I think would be a great addition to the game. :) I also have to say I didn't know that guitars have a complex sound pattern, I know how to play it my self but I never knew that which is really cool...
    2. Admiral_Kirk

      [Suggestion] Sound Blocks (Music Blocks)

      Hello, I posted here today to mention a great Suggestion for that many people would love and could be used for many things. This suggestion is on Sound Blocks or could be called Music Blocks. This block could be used as with logic and lights or just by its self. It could be used with logic and...
    3. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      There is a game that allows that it is called Star Trek Online. I play it all the time. That also is where I get all of my Star Trek ship blueprints and files for my ships in the Star-made Brierie server also in single player.
    4. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Yes I agree it would be cool and great if they add that. I am going to upload next Monday a logic lit up color changing warp core and ejectable logic for the warp core. so that it uses logic and the shootout rails and pickup rails to launch the warp core and close the blast doors. I purposely...
    5. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I AM WITH YOU DUDE | DO IT. Because the game is in Alpha, and we should all agree we should fix the Power Systems now or it will never be fixed. So, We should never get married to anything. Like I never get use to the Game, because I don't want to get to know it and then the next morning when I...
    6. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I Would just go through with this Proposal, It sounds like it is really thought out. It also sounds like there will be no Problems with the Power in the future. There might be the occasional bug but from the sounds of it to me the way you plan on it. I think it would be a Great Upgrade For...
    7. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Okay I understand now. So they should also add Anti Matter Reactors and Matter Reactors.
    8. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I complete Agree! We Must Have Reactor Breaches. cause of the Warp Core Breach :D ;D Lets make these Star Trek Themed Stuff :D I have already started making a Logic Working Lights Warp Cores. With then if this New Feature comes out. I will make a Fusion Reactor inside of the Warp Core...
    9. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I agree with you completely because I would like to try a Dev Build. And Try it out, and I will really decide what should be added and what should be changed. Because From the Proposal I love the sound of it. And It will make the Life OF Starmade a Lot of easier and better. And it makes the game...
    10. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I agree with you Criss about the evidence about the new ship shape. I don't know Why it really matters at all about the New Ship Shapes.
    11. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Reactors - You Should Make Different Kinds: SUCH AS: - POOL REACTORS - FUSION REACTORS - NUCLEAR REACTORS - Sci-Fi Star Trek Warp Core Reactors that could be eject able with Logic. Search up different kind of Reactors. I have a book all about reactors that was made around in 1940's It has...
    12. Admiral_Kirk

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      AWESOME IDEA! I think Everyone Will love it! You should do this update! I would also make some Reactor types such as Pool Reactors and etc... And Possibly Fusion Reactors. But AWESOME IDEA! I THINK EVERYONE WILL LOVE IT :D :D I know mostly all my friends on the Brierie server Want this update...
    13. Admiral_Kirk

      Deep Space Nine - Hull Only - Fixed Download Link

      Now it is the Blueprint .Zip File that is the download file. So Extract the zip file to Blueprints in your star made folder than it should work :D
    14. Admiral_Kirk

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      ADMIRALKIRK'S APPLICATION. IGN- CaptainKIrk Why you want to join the server- I would like to join the server because I have friends on the server, and I want help evolving my building and logical skills in the multi-player server. I have been playing this game for about 3 Years but I never...
    15. Admiral_Kirk

      18th Century Flagship Contest - Real Money Giveaway To Winner!

      Okay... You can figure that out. Anyways I have some new content out on the It is the Deep Space Nine Station Hull From Star Trek :D You can get it here... It is too 1:1 Scale. Deep Space Nine - Hull Only