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    • Hello
      You should create generals krennics shuttle from rogue one, since you are building Star Wars related ships. You can use the Leto set for inspiration. Don't forget to post them!
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      Reactions: Jacemachine
      I've been wanting to do both Krenics and Kylo Rens shuttles. I always have self doubt when it's time to upload to the dock. I never feel like my ships are finished.
      General Krennics shuttle is now complete. I did a two part JMI Fleet Update last week, and Krennics shuttle, I think, is in the first part.

      Before I upload the sment, I wanna put together individual showcase videos, showing how everything is supposed to work, and maybe some attractive looking thumbnail. Stats for my ships aren't good, but I guess I can just do what Criss does and label them as replica showpieces.
      Hey are you going to post your mining ship from S2 star squadron? It looks dope, you should really upload it.
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      Reactions: Jacemachine
      It's cool looking, but it's such a mess. If anything, I'd like a swing at a second version: keeping things that I liked, but rearranging the ships halls. Those were very second thought.
      Welcome to the cool badges group!
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      Reactions: Jacemachine
      Yep, 8 months delay.
      To be fair, I've only recently been trying to become more active on The Dock. :D Thanks again though, Duke.
      On the topic of badges, I've been curious as to what it requires to get the Leveled-up version of the Video badge. JW608 has nearly 500 starmade videos. I thought that I was doing pretty good having just over 300! he kicks my ass.

      My second badge question is in regards to the Master Builder badge. What does that usually require?
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