Recent content by 13thClockwork

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      StarMade quick fix

      Add more pirates.
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      Starmade really hits a sweet spot...

      Kerbal space program + Minecraft = Starmade. Starmade could be a lot better though. But the devs don\'t care.
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      Just the latest version. It didn\'r necessarily not saved. The entire game got rolled back like 12 hours.
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      @flying I\'m no troll. I can be one if you want though.
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      FIX THE FREAKING AUTOSAVE x20 You guys don't know how fustrating it is to lose 2+ hours of work.
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      Either the developers don't care, or they are going at an extremely slow pace. (rant)

      This game is useless. The save doesn't work, the forum style is a joke, and the controls are terrible. Last night I managed to find and claim a station. Then I had to go so I got off for the night. Today, I was back at my station when I logged on, my game freaking crashed, and the entire server...
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      Pirates aren't possible to kill.

      Pirates aren't possible to kill. First of all, they have shields and they spawn way to much in large groups. Then you have have to build from the ground up again. Only you can't, because the pirates just keep spawnkilling you until you realize that you should look for another game to play instead.