Fact : I still can't build conventionnal vertical ship that doesn't have a weak spot, aka stabilization stream, it's whole lengh. And I still can't shield my whole ship using conventionnal building mechanics because bubble shields. Thus vertical ships are completely useless compared to any more conventionnal ones.
Power 2.1 or whatever you wanna call it killed my fun in this game by killing vertical ships. And i don't feel like using all of the things i know to take care of the stream and shitty mechanics this update added to only have fun building what i like the most.
I'm not coming here as a rper or a pvper no i'm here as a builder and i can't build anything i like without feeling it is a complete waste of time.
I feel that; tallboys are my go-to as well these days.
I think one of the deepest changes to the game in 2.0 has been removal of players' ability to build ships with no weakness.
Reactors, stabs, streams, bubble shields, regen delay - literally all of these have in common that they revolve around forcing ships to have vulnerabilities more like real vehicles.
You put enough shots through any real vehicle, craft or vessel and it will stop working. In 1.0 there was a constant issue of "Block Destruction," remember that? People talked about it all the time; weapon sets were built around this unrealistic thing where the only way to kill ships was to
erase blocks until enough random blocks died that the ship HP went under and it magically overheated (because if I stripped enough exterior panels an seat cushions from a car it would "overheat"??).
There were lots of complaints about that, remember? People bitched about how tedious combat was, how the whole weapon meta was based on block destruction, and about how uncompelling and unrealistic that felt.
Well, now that is fixed. We can't really fight until the weapons are released, but we can be pretty sure at this point that the meta under weapons 3.0 won't have a ton to do with mass erasing of blocks just for the sake of racking up HP damage. All ships will be realistically vulnerable.
Can a solo 1k fighter get at that stream on a 50k destroyer? Not bloody likely - the new vulnerabilities don't make anyone that insanely weak unless they are doing it wrong -but could a top-end 20k frigate, well flown and lucky on a good day? Why not, as long as it's not easy? For both sport and realism, that is probably as it should be.
To those who feel that "Schine never listens," I say:
Be careful what you wish for!
2.0 is a response. Not a simple update just trying to "nerf meta-warriors" (though maybe some people can only imagine it as all about them; as if
any game is without meta-tactics) and 'failing,' it is addressing a whole slew of common complaints and underlying system issues from 1.0. There is a big picture taking shape here.
Should we go back to a meta of invincishields and erasing ships block by block until "50%" (because 'overheat')? I would rather press forward myself, I very much like the indicators of where this is going once weapon function is restored and we see real armor in-game, it looks like to be much more compelling by far.