Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Lets say you built a ship thats 50% weapons and 50% shields, the "Ideal" ship MrFurb was talking about. Then lets say it was attacked by 4 ships 1/4th the size of it.
    The theory says that should be an equal battle, yes? Well its not. All the Larger ship must do is concentrate on 1 of the smaller ships at a time.
    After 60 seconds, 25% of the Large ship's shields are Gone, but 1 of the smaller ships are dead.
    I currently don't have the time to read the whole thread, so I'm sorry if this was already brought up.
    Your example assumes stupid pilots. If the shields of one of the smaller ships are down it can retreat from combat until they are up again since bigger ships are less maneuverable. Even if this ship can't leave the big ship's weapon range it still can hide behind the other ships. The big ship actually has a disadvantage since it's permanently under fire, while up to three of the small ships can regenerate their shields at full rate.
    Mar 8, 2014
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    Well now that the flame war seams to be dying down, ill throw my two cents into the ring. Remember this is an opinion, and like all opinions, it stinks.

    An idea I had was rather then having shields become less effective for larger ships or something along those lines. Was to instead make shield regeneration cost more energy the longer a fight persists(go up by a %). the idea being that a swarm of medium sized ships would in theory(don't trust any math here, its all off the top of my head) would engage a larger, less mobile vessel over a longer period of time then the larger vessel would be engaged with a vessel of equal size.

    Meaning that with the extra time taken to sink the smaller ships the fight would last longer, his shields would drain more and more power as the fight drags on, until eventually the fleet of medium ships could take down the larger ship, by 'exhausting' his power supply. If the larger ship just focuses one of the ships at a time its energy is being weakened while those its not shooting at's energy is not weakened. If he attacks them all(Hello Mr. Turret Boat, how are you today?) his DPS is spread out, and he is hopefully hurting all of them as much has they are hurting him.

    Opinion 2 (can't stress enough that these are all opinions)

    would be to instead of raising energy costs, simply making the shield recharge at a lower % the longer it is in combat, until it ends and its shields zip back to full, or its core is broken and the ship falls.

    Each has their own pro's and cons. The first opinion would ask that larger ships had more power storage blocks, and towards the end of the fight the ships would have less DPS. The second opinion allows ships to fill themselves with shields and weapons, and would probably easier to implement. There are also probably a lot of things I am not seeing, so if this idea is so bad just ignore it, I'm probably not thinking clearly anyway.

    These are just 2 solutions that are, at their cores, opinions. Take them with a grain of salt, and have a nice day.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    I do find your first idea to be particularly interesting, Lord Chicken. I think that would be a fun feature for shields in ship combat.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    I currently don't have the time to read the whole thread, so I'm sorry if this was already brought up.
    Your example assumes stupid pilots. If the shields of one of the smaller ships are down it can retreat from combat until they are up again since bigger ships are less maneuverable. Even if this ship can't leave the big ship's weapon range it still can hide behind the other ships. The big ship actually has a disadvantage since it's permanently under fire, while up to three of the small ships can regenerate their shields at full rate.
    Given the current Thrust system, and a little bit of Overdrive, A large ship can just reverse and get all ships in their sight (even after thrusters Revamp if they use that tactic).

    Whats more, the size was never specified, so It could be about 1 medium sized ship and a handful of fighters/corvettes. In later posts I also Brought up the ships having no Turrets, and the possibility of using "webbing" to Snare ships. You example assumes the Large ships was il-prepared or had a stupid pilot :p.

    Also, while I am at it, Hiding a ship behind an ally would mean that the ship could also not fire, lessening the load on the Large ship's shields.

    Also, those are interesting ideas Chicken, don't really feel like it's something I would like to see, but there is nothing to object to :p
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Well, now those are proper ways to balance shielding! Thinking outside the box really made the trick, you literally beat me to the issue that shields cost no energy when they are at full capacity. I'm still working on a sensitive approach to shielding curves, into something that makes sense and is easy. But energy, man! So close to nailing a fatal issue of the current shield system: No energy costs when they are at full capacity. Devs must hear that. It certainly is one step closer to fixing, and completing a game mechanic in the first place.

    Ideas proposed here, from the visual feedback of shields and incrementing their interaction to more than just placing them and shooting them down, along with energy balancing of shields, is a more sensitive and thoughtful approach. (I pushed thrusters to much, perhaps, but all mechanics are connected, and power was what we certainly were missing). A ships generator or power storage should be the ultimate demise of any big ship since we have a hard cap: energy Regen. (See hard caps can bring good. which ones should be limited is the actual trick).

    The approaches here are really good.

    Sven's and Lord Chicken's idea about having 0% regen while being fired at, makes complete sense. Although it arises another question: How much DPS should a ship receive for this regen to reach 0% ? Definitely, a must to be considered into shielding. Regen itself holds the answer: the damage threshold of the ship is the combat regen we are now getting. I believe somewhere around 50% the full regen a ship gets, instantly depletes its regen and makes it 0%. But it ultimately allows for every ship to take out every other ship, assuming you can stay alive.

    The idea of more feedback when combating shields, both in both eyes and ears, is great.

    And the gem to this thread definitely is Energy balancing. Work has begun into showing comparisons of all of these figures. It is still, incomplete work, but a step forward into thoughtful balancing.

    I know people already think here I am delusional and trolling, (which i find mighty offensive) and other things, but in the end, we came up with enough ideas to make a worthy contribution:

    1.-Shields can't be balanced on a single number, much less in tank capacity by itself
    2.- Feedback for players on how well they are doing against a ship will improve the experience by a lot.
    3.- Energy balancing shields: make them actually demand an energy input equivalent (in proportion) to the amount of protection they give, forcing a ship to either limit the amount of shields it carries, to keep its other systems fully powered at all times, or carry enough energy in storage tanks to be able to battle at 100% for a limited time, then declining as the ships available power is effectively reduced, impacting both offense and defense, since more mass is used towards energy conservation than shielding and weapon systems.

    Most of these solutions demand changes in ship construction. Are you willing to take such risks to see how can we balance things by thinking outside the box? I say we should try these all out. I'll provide friendly calculations, with all the things people requested here:

    -Curves for shield scaling and comparisons with current shielding system - because you are reading this far to see them
    - Comparisons vs current weapon damage, vs current energy costs for both shields and weapons
    -Comparison vs proposed energy costs with different values and taking into account current energy per cube limitations.
    -Comparison of all this against vanilla weapons dmg (only AMC's since all of them have the same DPS, supposedly, all weapons are equally worthy...or they will be balanced that way) and vs weapon damage specialized against shields on current values. Might add proposals there.

    -I'd love to make mass calculations to add the final strike to balance. By giving equal mass to weapon and system components(hulls are another, simpler issue) we encourage people to do exactly whatever they want, since it would end up being the same in terms of movement to every other ship of the same volume,(mass/thrust relation dependent) if not better. If we touch this values, we can force to make more efficient ship designs. Reactors being the heaviest, then thrusters, then shields and weapons, we then make a clear preference: You ship needs to move, and movement is only second to power. Your ship should have weapons and shields, but it is still your choice which one to spend your power on. If we fine tune this values, and fine tune mass per shape and material, all ship designs get closer to the death cube in performance. The death will always be king, because it is a goddamn cube in a game of cubes, but the rest of the designs now stand much more of a chance.

    Add that to all other proposals here (or not) and we are getting somewhere now.
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    May 25, 2013
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    That level of overthinking is getting ridiculous.

    The current balance methodology is rather schizophrenic. In a game with so many untested elements , the one thing you don't want is a mechanic that blocks interactions between them on different scales. There's no way to tell how effective or threatening stealth bombers are against bigger ships because shields just never go down.

    Shield regeneration should not be a factor in combat during the playtesting phase.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    That level of overthinking is getting ridiculous.

    The current balance methodology is rather schizophrenic. In a game with so many untested elements , the one thing you don't want is a mechanic that blocks interactions between them on different scales. There's no way to tell how effective or threatening stealth bombers are against bigger ships because shields just never go down.

    Shield regeneration should not be a factor in combat during the playtesting phase.

    Geez, you don't know what schizophrenia is, lad. Are you hearing voices?? And i made so much emphasis on the untested elements before, that you are really making me feel bad.

    Secondly, that IS the problem the OP posted. Scaling is BLOCKING the interaction, since to the OP's opinion, it is scaling too high. Up-scaled ships always win due to this, according to OP and other several people. Some even state ships of the same scale cannot kill each other! There we are indeed, meeting a blocked interaction on different scales.

    New idea, to add to previous suggestions:

    Shields Computer with4 settings:

    Shields on/off
    How much power assigned to them (in a %. 100% would mean full shields efficiency, and moving the slider affects both regen and shield cap, one slider per value. 2 values. 100% cap and 100% regen)
    And a slider bar, one sides increases shield cap, the other one regen.

    So there, new proposal as well.

    Thirdly, all factors must kick in for balance to work. Leave ONE of them out, and you are going to let hell loose. Regen is basically a damage threshold. You really want to leave that out of play?

    Also, we could add a computer to shields. If we make people not spam reactors by balancing the amount they can place on a ship by mass (and shields, too!), then people might design ships that only have their shields up in combat, allowing for your stealth bomber to be of some use.
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    Jun 8, 2014
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    Actually, I do like that idea a lot.

    -Shield constantly drain power (varying by the state they are in) and have multiple states they can be in.
    -You may turn them on and off as you see fit, with the off state providing to defense but saving power regen
    -You may use a slider to change the percentage of regen you're willing to dedicate power to or not dedicate power to
    -Customize shield profile (Add a slider bar, one sides increases shield cap, the other one regen)

    This would allow you become tankier at the cost of regen and offense or be able to regen faster when in a safer zone to get back into the action but at the cost of a lot more power and total shield strength. I don't believe the benefits/cost should scale 1:1 though, you should gain less benefits the more you "tweak" the config.


    Out of combat and the shields are down, I think I'm relatively safe I crank up my regen from default 50/50 profile up to 100% and it will now consume 50% more power to regen 25% faster at the temporary cost of 25% of my total shield count. This also means you would be starting your next battle somewhat gimped as 25% of your shields are already down and still need to regen at the normal rate.

    Those are just example number, mind you. I've never been good with math or numbers.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    There, there, that should be and in-game feature. Adding a computer to shields, and being able to play with values without giving preference to either type of configuration, allows for even more play-styles and flexibility in ship design.

    A player may prioritize shield regen, making his ship able to sustain more DPS without suffering damage, but once his regen is beaten in DPS, his shields will go down faster, for he has less total amount. Another may prioritize amount of shields vs regen, allowing him to tank more damage overall, but requiring less DPS to actually start getting his shields down.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    Guys, guys, guys, calm your tits. Number One, Cruisers shouldn't be able to be destroyed by frigates, they're a weight class lower. What happens when you put a lightweight against a welterweight? The lightweight will be bleeding out on the floor. Like, what is wrong with that? However, contrary to what I said, I sort of agree with this post, because the amount of shields on ships is unbelievable. I was thinking about increasing the DPS on weapons, or increasing the Ion Effect's damage on shields. I have a titan that can dish out 120,000 damage per shotgun blast, and that's using the Punch-Through module. Not Ion. Technically, if I made frigates that were able to fire one of those weapons, it would take eight cruisers (not totally unreasonable if you can afford a fleet) and you've got the same amount of firepower as my Titan.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    I don't know if the boxing analogy really applies here. Although a lightweight has a very slim chance, he will at least do some noticeable damage, maybe even score a hit to the chin for a KO. Currently in Starmade, smaller vs larger ships is more like an unprotected fist slamming into a brick wall until there is just a bloody forearm nub.

    In pretty much any other space or naval type confrontation in fiction and real life, smaller crafts pose a definite threat (as they should). As Planr showed, even groups of them can't do anything worthwhile.

    I agree with some of the suggestions posted here: more DPS to weapons in general, or real-time energy drain on shields, even when charged.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Or, zero combat regen. And more power consumption by regen blocks when the shieldsplit occurs.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Guys, guys, guys, calm your tits. Number One, Cruisers shouldn't be able to be destroyed by frigates, they're a weight class lower. What happens when you put a lightweight against a welterweight? The lightweight will be bleeding out on the floor. Like, what is wrong with that? However, contrary to what I said, I sort of agree with this post, because the amount of shields on ships is unbelievable. I was thinking about increasing the DPS on weapons, or increasing the Ion Effect's damage on shields. I have a titan that can dish out 120,000 damage per shotgun blast, and that's using the Punch-Through module. Not Ion. Technically, if I made frigates that were able to fire one of those weapons, it would take eight cruisers (not totally unreasonable if you can afford a fleet) and you've got the same amount of firepower as my Titan.



    Nov 14, 2013
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    Guys, guys, guys, calm your tits. Number One, Cruisers shouldn't be able to be destroyed by frigates, they're a weight class lower.
    One, I'm not your first officer so don't call me Number One, and two, several frigates should be able to destroy a cruiser. As it stands, evidently, that isn't possible.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Ithirahad Funny how you read that, i'm guessing you are making fun of him. That is unhelpful.

    Secondly, it currently is possible, it just takes "too long", as the insight of several people. I am working on this to show you why curves aren't that easy to use for balacing work, just give me more time. I am almost done with some rather interesting findings (and comparisons) about shield scaling on both curves, and linear vs ship size and weapons.
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    Aug 14, 2013
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    Ithirahad Funny how you read that, i'm guessing you are making fun of him. That is unhelpful.

    Secondly, it currently is possible, it just takes "too long", as the insight of several people. I am working on this to show you why curves aren't that easy to use for balacing work, just give me more time. I am almost done with some rather interesting findings (and comparisons) about shield scaling on both curves, and linear vs ship size and weapons.
    When the shield regen is high enough that even two ships the same size, or one ship that is clearly superior but it cannot destroy the weaker doesn't mean it will take a while, it means impossible, is it currently is now.
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    Jun 8, 2014
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    Ithirahad Funny how you read that, i'm guessing you are making fun of him. That is unhelpful.

    Secondly, it currently is possible, it just takes "too long", as the insight of several people. I am working on this to show you why curves aren't that easy to use for balacing work, just give me more time. I am almost done with some rather interesting findings (and comparisons) about shield scaling on both curves, and linear vs ship size and weapons.
    I do believe he was making a joke...

    Also it's not realistically possible. Sure on paper it's doable, but paper stats are one thing and actual gameplay experience in a PvP situation is a completely different thing. Sometimes things look great stat-wise but end up being horrendously imbalanced in game and sometimes the opposite happens.

    Both need to be tested in both real world and test situations extensively, taking a look at only one or the other leaves you with the myriad of terrible games the industry is currently pumping out where things are grossly underpowered/overpowered and overall not a fun experience.
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    Jun 26, 2013
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    I totally agree with you, but in order, at least, in my opinion, to make the PvP experience better, via proper balacing, needs the rest of the game features completion, and everyone else quickly dismissed me saying that shields are the only issue.

    Mark me some games that suffer of this problem please? The industry hasn't got it perfect, but the best examples of how to balance things with different mechanics come from War-thunder (Gaijin games), World of tanks (Wargaming), League of Legends (Riot), and Dota 2 (Valve), Starcarft 2 (Blizzard), Counter-Strike:GO, ( Valve's CS:GO team). Games with big profiles, huge communities, and competitive gaming .

    They have complete teams dedicated to watch the in game statistics, from everyone who plays, finding a probable issue, recreate it, and then judge what the solution should be, by looking at all the features that affect that issue. That is something not possible in Star-made currently, and that is something I tried to bring up.

    But again, you people want your shield curves. I'll give you shield curves. And when I can, in game testing of said curves. Because thank god modding exists.
    Jun 8, 2014
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    A lot of those games have and always will have balancing issues, I know this from experience with League of Legends as I play it frequently. There are always champions and runes made obsolete via balancing changes or made far too strong with the latest change to somebodies kit (damn you, Nidalee!!!!). With all of their teams, money, and experience they mess up quite frequently due to lack of enough in house/mass testing/inaccurate information and all of that is with a finished product; core features all there. It doesn't matter what stage you do balance at, there is always going to be problems and depending on how much testing/feedback devs get they could be quite large and at any given state of the game.

    Also, people didnt' say (well most didn't anyways) they were the ONLY issue, simply they were the #1 offender and easiest to fix.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Each season of LoL has seen remarkable improvements towards design and balance. Their game is not perfectly balanced. I said they are an example to follow into how balacing works. (Sometimes, money is influential towards game balance, but here it isn't. Or at least shouldn't). They've even reworked complete kits to fit new changes.

    Have you seen the videos of thought process changes? They are great! How they approach every problem is what I wanted you to get from what i wrote, not the actual state of the game. LoL is actually a greatly balanced game, which only shows that even with a team dedicated to it, all the factors trend into being overwhelming. I won't push this further as it deviates from the OP: Shields are wrong (probably). OP's idea of a solution is probably not a good idea yet, since we are missing interactions as factors for said balance issues (my opinion). Posted alternatives on this thread are integral and more sensitive approaches (opinion) to the problem.

    Most games will always suffer of balancing issues. (In the LoL example, i want to see you balance over 100 champions with over 500,000,000 possible team combinations, over 5 different roles for each team member to play, with over 100 item combinations per champion, not including the mastery and rune system).
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