There is alot to this ship and drones are in the works however you may delete the white beacon lights where I currently am thinking they will go. The ship needs more cameras, it is designed to not be easy to see the front from the back or sides. This is my first ship build not alot to it. Teleport in as there is nothing for astetics as this is for PVP.
There are a few clocks around the empty space above with inner ship remotes they keep the AMS turrets busy on the enemy.
Current Turrets Feature
Piercing 4
Power drain 4
C/B Punch 4
M/C Xplosive
Drones will equal 300k max so I am planning on 20 @ 15k and maybe 3 at 100k, with a standby to switch out depending on mission and intel. The turrets should be easy to change out also.
Link to block limits
Ship/Mother Ship Block Limits
Thanks to RoAnnon for the help and shell designs.