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    Venture 2016-06-06

    A small vessel with room for six. In an attempt to create a more realistic ship design with a power generator and engine, both are docked in an in-line arrangement. This means that they can be removed for replacement or upgrade with a minimum of fuss.

    As a commercial vessel, the ship has no offensive weapons. It sports two missile-defense turrets and a radar jammer to help it avoid threats. The power system is balanced, such that you can't run all systems at once. This could be a fun replacement for trade guild ships. The ship is fast and nimble, but uses a jump drive for long-range destinations.

    Mass: 550 w/ Rail
    Length: 59m, Height: 15m, Width: 33m
    Power: 118,485 (50,000 e/sec with generator)
    Thrust: 1,381 (Ratio to mass: 2.5)
    Total rotational potential: 1.2, 1.1, 1.7
    Shields: 20,307 (1,122 s/sec)
    Structure: 93,925
    Armor: 243,600
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    Reactions: jayman38
    First release
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