UWPF Transport

    UWPF Transport 1.0

    UWPF Transport

    UWPF Transport.jpg

    Part of United Worlds Personnel Fleet (UWPF), This Drone-Class transport provides local ferrying for 4 Core-Class Anti-Personnel units. Lightly shielded against hand-held weapons, this Transport is designed to move units in from a Dropship, or from a planet based deployment center.

    The 4 unique core class fighters are:
    1. UWPF Sniper
    2. UWPF Rocket
    3. UWPF Concussion
    4. UWPF Shotgun
    These 4 anti-personnel fighters are designed to fit into small places, enabling you to hunt down astronauts with easy.

    While providing no shield regen of their own, prior to deployment they can be externally charged up to 55 in shields, enabling a limited ability to shake off small-arms fire before taking damage.


    In this image of the 3 transports, The UWPF Transport is the left most.

    UWPF Transport I through III.jpg

    This image shows the 4 unique fighters deployed next to another UWPF Transport.

    UWPF Transport along side fighters.jpg

    United Worlds Faction

    The United World's Faction is a monarchy with a rich heritage of terraforming and colonizing distant system's within the core Galaxy. While peaceful, they take a hard-lined stand against piracy and help protect trade routes that are critical to the Galaxy's economy

    The United Worlds Faction has several key divisions:
    1. Civilian Fleet - UWCF
    2. Mining Consortium - UWMC
    3. Personnel Fleet - UWPF
    4. Space Fleet - UWSF
    The United Worlds class system is provided in the Additional Information URL.
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