It's really way too small a craft to deserve its own thread. You've made several small ships lately and their threads are flooding the board. Please, put them all together in one big pack. That cost you a star.
In my opinion the craft is so insignificant i don't really know why you posted this. Its uniqueness is limited severely by its size and i'm sure this exact craft has been built before by someone else at least once. That cost you another star.
Providing stats for it was the one saving grace of this.
The community content section is the replacement for the ship repository system from the old site and was created to allow us to have a central repository for all of our ships, textures, etc, and give us the tools we need share our creations and update them when they are out of date ass well as receive feedback. I did not flood the board, I happened to post a batch of my ships at once, they are all small because I am working in order of size as I refit my ships for the new changes and uploading them all to the new site.
There is no rule that I am aware of that restricts our ability to upload single ships based on their size and that we are required in any way to package ships together. This is a unique creation created by me and therefore does in fact deserve it's own thread.
This ship was actually requested as well when I brought it up in another thread. There are plenty of uses for small fighters that are not just a brick capable of docking in a 7x7x7