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    Trade Guild - Solar Collection Station 2014-08-13


    This station is my entry for the Station Contest.

    It is a trade guild station designed around collecting and storing solar power through the solar arrays to the capacitor array, which larger ships can then use to charge their capacitors via external sockets.

    The two hangars were designed around the Isanth-Zero in width and height, but can fit the up to the length of the hangar for longer ships.

    starmade-screenshot-0068.jpg starmade-screenshot-0067.jpg starmade-screenshot-0070.jpg starmade-screenshot-0066.jpg starmade-screenshot-0069.jpg
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    Reactions: Wolflaynce
    First release
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    4.40 star(s) 5 ratings

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    not shabby
    holy friking crap this is awsome i love it! this will be my capital!
    One Word: Beautiful!!!!!!!
    Very nice, nice details
    I call it Space IKEA, because of the color scheme of the outside hulls and because it's a trade station.
    Rather huge though.
    Whew, very nice! Has a realistic feel to it imo