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    The Amber Lamps 1.0

    javaw 2015-07-25 12-09-05-876.jpg

    The Amber Lamps is a fast unarmed medical ship built for the Galactic Red Cross. The Blueprints have been open sourced for improvements. The amber lamps is an armored quick medical ship designed for getting medical attention to cosmonauts in active war zones or those stranded in deep space. The Amber Lamps can act as a stand alone medical center except in the event that a patient is in super-critical conditions (A healthometer reading of less then 10%)

    From the GRC :
    The ship may be crewed by a maximum of 2 medical staff and one pilot and a minimum of one medical staff and one pilot.
    The ship must be stocked with proper medical supplies and its jump drive charged before departure.
    SOP requires that hazard lights be on as soon as the ship has departed and they not be turned off unless having them on would compromise health of the patients in the event of evading a hostile force.
    In normal conditions the ship may hold no more than four patients at a time however it can hold up to 6 if required.

    Build process:
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    Latest reviews

    Very Good ship, I would Like To see More.