Stockholm-Class Battlecruiser

    Stockholm-Class Battlecruiser v0.19401

    Please rate it and tell me what you think!

    now it is here, the Stockholm-Class Battlecruiser
    my first totaly own design, interior as well as exterior. started of building a basic shell wich i built and then adding more and more untill i felt it was done with helpfull info on what i should do from you guys ^^

    the elevator between floors are made by the awesome Ic3Drag0n97
    you are so awesome for building and fixing the elevator for me!:D

    down below are some pictures of the ecterior as well as the interor of the ship. if you have downloaded another of my ships you will recognise the interior of one floor, and if you play sci-fi games you will recognise another floor.

    the ship will come with 2 shuttles on the sides as i called Roadrunner-class Shuttle wich are based of the shuttle from Stargate Universe shuttle on the ship Destiny. but quite heavely modefied. it will allso be released toghether with this ship. download for the shuttle: pics of the shuttle below:

    the button on the right bottom corner extends the shuttles landing gear

    you can connect the rail docker on the shuttle anywhere on this rail and it will slide back automaticly and connect with the entrance to the ship
    pics for the Stockholm-Class below:

    First release
    Last update
    4.60 star(s) 5 ratings

    Latest reviews

    Crazy powerful ship. The weapons do seem to instantly drain power so that is something to look into. Also I would suggest using more standard armor and regular hull more often. Nice interior, especially the core room!
    thank you so much! i am looking into the power issues, trying to figure out a way to maximize power without deleting any interior. and thanks for the idea, i have cheched that with other blocks, and i will see what i can come up with.
    I love this ship. The seeking missiles are breaking my armada however. Anyway to change to target reds only? Or are the computers in an easy place to change out with guided.
    they are easily replaceable, if that's what you are asking, all the computers are on the bridge. and thank you!
    I like it!
    thank you! thats why i build!
    I needed to adjust my previous review due to some info that i did not have before about this being more of an RP ship.

    This ship is very very nice, the concept for the hull plating is a good one, especially the random different color plates. Kinda makes it look like it was in some battles and had to hasty refit and repair.

    Well done bud
    well, thank you ^^ tnaks for the nicer nice reply (uppdate with better power system will come i promise).
    Some of us like a more RP-focused ship.
    turret weapons mix is author's choice.
    I would give 4.5 stars if that were an option.