Mass: 5669.6
Length: 82m Width: 35m Height: 21
power: 11,492,626.8 (826,267.1 e/sec)
thrust: 4954.6
shields: 269,945 (18023 s/sec)
missile slaved with almost 100% missiles and 86.1% emp
Stop effect as defense 14.1% effect
warp drive
It has 6 turrets
two large rapid fire missile turrets
two medium shot gun cannons turrets
two small beam & pulsar & 25% ion turrets
The ship has enough power to keep the turrets firing.
This ship has a interior and path way connecting the two larger turrets to the main ship. This ship is designed for destroying ships fast. The main entrance to the ship is from the back.
if picture doesn't show here is link,z2Zv5h5,beqz9I6#0
Mass: 5669.6
Length: 82m Width: 35m Height: 21
power: 11,492,626.8 (826,267.1 e/sec)
thrust: 4954.6
shields: 269,945 (18023 s/sec)
missile slaved with almost 100% missiles and 86.1% emp
Stop effect as defense 14.1% effect
warp drive
It has 6 turrets
two large rapid fire missile turrets
two medium shot gun cannons turrets
two small beam & pulsar & 25% ion turrets
The ship has enough power to keep the turrets firing.
This ship has a interior and path way connecting the two larger turrets to the main ship. This ship is designed for destroying ships fast. The main entrance to the ship is from the back.
if picture doesn't show here is link,z2Zv5h5,beqz9I6#0