- Game version
- 0.203.172
Built as a fast-response patrol frigate by the Republic Cosmonaut Service (RCS), the third generation stardancer class is an updated version of the old Generation 2 type. It features larger engines capable of reaching near lightspeed in a matter of minutes, and state-of-the-art facilities for crew comforts on long journeys. Like all mioran ships, a small handfull of these vessels are sent further out of the Republic on exploratory missions, often doing long haul missions in specific cardinal directions and then 'roaming' return journeys to meet new species and discover new planets.
In terms of specific design features, the ship houses an enormous Mk15 5-stage plasma engine system and 18 32x20m plasma energisation rings in each engine with a recirculatory swirl system capable of holding 200 metric tonnes of plasma in a swirl for distribution through the energisation rings. The large plasma manifolds designed to evenly spread the energised HDP (High-Density Plasma) with a 99.98% average output variation which makes the ship capable of efficiently accelerating, decelerating, and performing sharp turns.
In terms of weaponry, the ship is equipped with 5 Mioran Mk3 Pulse Cannon HDP turrets and two 4-bank long-range HDP beam turrets, making the ship capable of engaging at long range and holding off incoming weaponsfire. The ventral section of the ship features 12 long-range HDP tracking missiles, capable of locking on to and hitting a target as soon as it enters sensor range, making this vessel very capable at fighting and delaying other vessels until support arrives.
Like other Stardancer designs, the engine system takes up approximately 1/2 of the total ship interior, however this still leaves room for a fully equipped medical bay, holodeck, 40 crew quarters, large crew mess with incredible views, dancefloor, crew rec-room, science lab, engineering lab, biolab, two cargo spaces, small hangar, and meeting rooms, not to mention the plethora of viewing spots and seating areas, making life aboard a Stardancer G3 incredibly comfortable.